Talk Like a Pirate Poem


Earlier this week when I sat down to decide what to post today, I got an email from Laura Purdie Salas that said “Ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day?

“Am I?” I wondered.

I thought for a few minutes, remembered this poem, and happily realized I am!

In a world with so many awful things going on, let’s, if we can, take a few moments to talk like a pirate, be silly, feel joy.

Matt Forrest Esenwine has the round-up today at his blog Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme.








24 replies
  1. Linda Mitchell
    Linda Mitchell says:

    Absolutely delightful…makes me remember my love of the swingset and scoring a seat early enough in recess to enjoy it. I love the waves and the rise and the fall. A perfect poem for kids…and kids at heart. I showing this one to my middle schoolers!

  2. Linda Baie
    Linda Baie says:

    Aye, this time to make waves with a pirate & I love your sea chantey poem, Liz. Time to sing along while we all sail the ocean blue having fun with the pirates! Thanks for the light shining here!

  3. Carol Varsalona
    Carol Varsalona says:

    Liz, when I first read your blog, I thought of the book “Teach Like a Pirate” by an educator friend/author/publisher, Dave Burgess. Then, I read your poem and delighted in the sheer fun of talking like a pirate to bring joy. I just came back from a walk on the beach so I am ready to don my pirate gear and head for the photos I took to virtually “plunge through the spray” I saw. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face.


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  1. […] Tomorrow, SeptembARRRGH 19, is Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Liz Steinglass is celebrating by “Sailing the Swings!”  […]

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