








There once was a girl who loved trees.
She swung from their limbs with great ease.
When asked to come in,
The girl made a grin,
Then hung upside down by her knees.


My mother once gave me a date.
I snuck the old yuck off my plate.
My mother found out
When she saw the dog’s snout
In a strangely gelatinous state.


Earlier in the summer Michelle Barnes asked me if I’d be willing to send her a poem for Limerick Alley. I was so honored and inspired by her request that I wrote and sent three. She posted one earlier this week with a fabulous illustration by her daughter. Above are the two others written for Michelle.

For more Poetry Friday, visit Renee at No Water River.

(c) Elizabeth Steinglass, 2013, all rights reserved

19 replies
  1. Heidi
    Heidi says:

    Ha! Finally visited Poet’s Garage–congrats to you. Daisy’s email used to be treeclimberdaisy, so the first makes my heart smile, but the second made me laugh out loud. Don’t you like dates, Liz? : )

  2. lsteinglass
    lsteinglass says:

    Thanks Everyone,
    They were quite fun to write. I recommend them for gray days when you’re dragging and not sure what to write.

  3. Linda Baie
    Linda Baie says:

    I don’t think I would ever see dates in a poem, & there they are. They used to be something my mother ‘filled’ at Christmas, with cream cheese, etc. I do like them, but love your limerick-so many ways to hide the food that is presented to us! I appreciate the first one, too, was a tree climber & am always encouraging my grandchildren to find a good tree & climb! Thanks, Liz!

  4. Michelle Heidenrich Barnes
    Michelle Heidenrich Barnes says:

    I think you know how I feel about these. LOVE!!! I was thinking, though… it’s probably just as well I didn’t ask Miranda to draw that strangely gelatinous state. 😉

    Also, I’ve been meaning to tell you, I was at the pediatrician’s office this week. Opened up the Sept issue of High Five… and there you were! (galumph! galumph!) Well done, you! 🙂

    • lsteinglass
      lsteinglass says:

      Thanks again for asking for a limerick. That’s so fun that you saw my poem in High Five at the doctor’s office. Thanks for mentioning it.
      “See you” next Friday.


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