
Song and Dance















Song and Dance

Dear Miss,
she seems to say
with her gentle mews.
Dear Miss,
she croons,
as she slips through my legs,
skimming my ankles
with her silken fur.
Dear Miss,
she mews again,
I’ll happily sing and dance
for just a small turn
of the doorknob.


This is our beautiful cat, Scout. I don’t really think the name suits her, but we named her after the character in To Kill a Mockingbird before she joined our family. She’s an indoor cat, but she thinks she wants to be a hunter. We love imagining what Scout might say if she could talk. Here’s your mission, should you choose to accept it: Write a poem from an animal’s point of view. What would your pet (or some other animal) say if s/he could speak? And, how would s/he say it?

For more Poetry Friday, visit Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect.

© Elizabeth Steinglass, 2014, all rights reserved

25 replies
  1. Laura Shovan
    Laura Shovan says:

    Hi, Liz. I love the photograph — a double dose of Scout, your real kitty and her reflection in the glass. I haven’t written a poem from my dog’s point of view, but we do have a family song parody in his honor.

  2. Liana Mahoney
    Liana Mahoney says:

    Love this, Liz! My cat’s name is Cupcake. I’ve written several poems about her, but none from her point of view. That’s a fun idea to toy with. I have a feeling, though, that I will be repeating the line, “But I’m so beautiful…” throughout this poem. She’s a very arrogant kitty. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Tabatha
    Tabatha says:

    Usually I feel as though we are at our cats’ beck and call, but your poem shows that they have to work for it a little 🙂
    I haven’t written a poem about it (yet?), but our lovebird included a pistachio (in its shell) with her clutch earlier this week.

  4. Bridget Magee
    Bridget Magee says:

    Scout is gorgeous, Liz, and her poem suits her, “Dear Miss she croons” – love it!
    Here is a poem from my flatulent dog, Smidgey’s POV:

    I stretch, I shift –
    my fuzzy bottom I lift.
    I let out a toot –
    how quickly my people scoot!

  5. Linda Baie
    Linda Baie says:

    What a wonderful picture & she is beautiful, Liz. I like your sweetly ‘soft’ poem, just like Scout. I don’t have pets anymore but have had several dogs and cats through the years. I’ll think about writing from one of their POVs! Thanks for reminding me how lovely it is to have a pet!

  6. Mary Lee Hahn
    Mary Lee Hahn says:

    Three cheers for cat poems! I got inside Sir William’s head to think about his dreams in my poem! I need to see if I can find his voice. Mostly his voice is very demanding. He loves food most of all.

  7. Keri Collins Lewis
    Keri Collins Lewis says:

    What a beautiful cat! Cat poems have been a Poetry Friday trend for a while. Maybe we should conduct a survey to see if more poets have cats or dogs? We are currently without pets, and I had just one terribly mean cat growing up. I’ve always wanted a big, loving lap warmer, though!

  8. dmayr
    dmayr says:

    How can I not love a poem about a cat? I’m sitting next to one right now. Her little jaw is chattering as she watches the sparrows outside the window.

  9. margaretsmn
    margaretsmn says:

    A beautiful cat with a sweet Dear Miss poem. Thanks for the inspiration. Animals fill our lives. My dog would say “ball, ball, ball, just throw the ball.” Kay Ryan’s poem “Fool’s Errands’ is about my dog:
    loop out and
    come back is
    good all alone.
    It’s gravy to
    carry a ball
    or a bone.”

  10. Michelle Heidenrich Barnes
    Michelle Heidenrich Barnes says:

    I guess you didn’t post this week (2/7), Liz? Just as well since I missed your wonderful post last week! Happy to have a second chance to comment on your GORGEOUS kitty cat, FABULOSO photo, and PURRFECT poem that makes me want to pick Scout up and give her a cuddle (even if she would prefer “a small turn of the doorknob”). I’m inspired by your challenge to write a similar poem, thanks!


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